Past Prose Winners (Spectator Writing Competition)
My identification is available in my primary databanks, under the file self-ID...
“I will suck you you!” yelled Vroomvroombleepbop...
Fifteen years, seven months and twenty-one days ago, a rabbit-headed blanket was first opened from within yellow tissue paper...
Past Poetry Winners (Spectator Writing Competition)
Before the wooden altar waits the mass of huddled subjects, meanest of our class...
Pain seeps through the seams like water through the leaky roof of our year one classroom...
Past Profile Winners
“Just don’t ask me how many people I’ve killed.” Konstantin’s cloudy gray eyes glint in their sunken sockets...
The steady, rhythmic pulsing of what Yuri calls a “hairspring” reeks of eighth grade science class and a dying frog...
Chunchi Zhu crunches on a mouthful of wasabi nuts as she examines a thin steel needle...
Featured Authors and Artists
From a young age, Sophie Smyke ’17 has been surrounded by photography...