Spring 2018
5:23 a.m. It was another sleepless night. Kyungchul listened to the sound of rain pattering melancholy on the window. Another gloomy day. The last time he saw the sun seemed like weeks before…
Winter 2018
The gentle sun warmed Xiao Hua’s back as she lay face down in the plush green grass. Her bright, beady eyes peered through the reeds surrounding the light blue pond…
The outbound train whooshes into the lower level of Park Street Station. The red and grey flashes before my eyes, the cars blurring into one…
Spring 2017
This is how you cook, and this is how you wash the plates; this is how you sweep the floor; this is how you mop the floor; you want your house to be clean, and somebody needs to know how to do it...
Monday through friday, wake up early, go to school, head to football practice; lift
weights at the gym, go for a run during your free time...
Fall 2016
As my grandmother led me into the crowded bazaar, a breeze blew the few strands of hair that had escaped my hijab out of my face...
The armchair was soft, crushed velvet on hardwood. It sat facing the lake...
“... The villain Ribald is currently engaged in a battle against the hero Phalanx atop City Hall...
The last waning rays of daylight peak through the tangled branches of the tree tops...
“The end of the Earth: Rockport, Mass,” proclaims Captain Pingree Full Hillier II, taking a deep breath of the salty morning breeze...
Spring 2016
The fuzzy pink of early morning glowed a hazy blush through the bay window...
Electrophoresis. Three years ago, my ninth grade bio teacher informed me that Well, Lola, that’s something people in chalky white lab coats do on their quests to discover what is and what is not...
There was precisely one cloud in the sky the day Friedrich returned from fighting the Americans...
Winter 2016
Three teenagers walked side by side down a path, deeper into the dense forest, navigating their way through the night...
“John. Jooohn?” John was sitting on the faded couch when the sound of the door opening made him flail around and scramble to put the damp, tinfoil-wrapped thing in his back pocket...
Her hands were always clasped tightly over her lap when she stood next to her husband in church...
“This is insane,” I mutter as we approach the glistening water...
At the end of the road sits her mother’s house, yellow paint peeling and foundation slowly settling into the dried riverbed on which it was built...
The steady, rhythmic pulsing of what Yuri calls a “hairspring” reeks of eighth grade science class and a dying frog...
Spring 2015
During the summer, my breakfast rarely coincided with that of my brother...
The desks in the Psychology 101 classroom were arranged in a semicircle...
The last thirty-six seconds of Finbar Web’s marriage ended fifteen minutes ago...
Naoma Miller had eyes the color of neon, and when she turned them on you, you could feel the aliens...
When I was five, I thought that losing a strand of hair meant I had cancer...
Winter 2015
In the stories Mother tells, the sky is black and the air tastes like ash...
She is cigarette smoke stitched into a human frame, jacket tight like she needs it to keep her skeleton together, keep her bones from bursting free...
Once upon a time, an angel and a demon met in an office. They realized that they both played World of Warcraft, and hung out a lot more after that...
“Mr. Winters?” Tim blinked groggily as the nurse’s voice woke him from his nap...
Fall 2014
The knell rang out over the rooftops, and faded into the dark clouds that hung low, nearly swallowing up the very tip of the church steeple...
You will probably never find me without my iPod and oversized orange headphones, but my record player is my preferred method of listening to music...
George watched, perplexed, as his mother paced nervously back and forth...
I feel like a drenched blanket's been swaddled around me, suffocating my heart...
The baby girl came screaming into the room and slipped easily into the nurse's hands just like hundreds before her...
I wake well before the first light, waltz to the bathroom, sing in the shower, and purr to the kiss of my razor...
My identification is available in my primary databanks, under the file self-ID...
Winter 2014
It was a consolation prize on your sister’s ninth birthday, when you were still young enough to think that presents for one meant presents for all...
Spring 2013
“I will suck you you!” yelled Vroomvroombleepbop...
The wind rushed across the ocean, curiously lifting the flaps of Bran’s jacket and swiping at his face...
As always, he had come home to my lifted cheek and a sputtering fireplace, and, as always, I had avoided his gaze as he kissed me...
The virtual display in front of him showed a vast expanse of stars, cold white pinpricks stark against the inky blackness of space...
You should be women, you know, you girls know knothing about akny-thing...
There’ve been enough rays through these old bones that they’ll still be glowing in a hundred years...
I saw my older sister Maggie throw up the spaghetti and meatballs she’d eaten for dinner in the toilet upstairs...
Fall 2012
Dr. John Campbell yawned as he poured his coffee into a large mug on his countertop...
Jenny, Julie, and Jesse were such good friends that they knew exactly how to hurt each other...
Years later, when Esmeralda was buffering floors at the elementary school, she would recall the night she lost her name...
It was not often that Kevin Kravitz found himself lying, let alone lying to his family...
Night lies gently over the world, misting the sky over with its thick haze...
You’ve found me even more insufferable than usual today. The door frame may give out if you slam it again...
Chunchi Zhu crunches on a mouthful of wasabi nuts as she examines a thin steel needle...
Spring 2012
We glanced nervously at the dark clouds as the biting wind tugged at our jackets...
Charlotte had a soothing voice. Or, at least, that’s what everyone told her back at Civilization...
The sky was to be heaven and the earth a temporary restin’ spot for the soul...
Fifteen years, seven months and twenty-one days ago, a rabbit-headed blanket was first opened from within yellow tissue paper...
The disappointment in writing prose can be guessed by subtracting a work’s real quality from that perceived upon completion, then assigning a rank between one and ten...