You Must Know Me - Tynan Friend

You must know me.

If you live in this world, you must know me.

I’m the one who cakes myself in perfume

So that you can’t decide if the blanket of air in the room is toxic gas

Or is just me trying to attract someone

Other than you.


You must know me.

I’m the one who makes sure every fiber of polyester grabs my skin so tightly

That you don’t know weather to walk away in disgust

Or feel every one of its sharp curves.


You must know me.

I’m the one whose face, body, and just about everything else is stolen

By any

and every

guy I choose.


You must know me.

I’m the one who makes all the rules

About who controls the hallway, the center, the lunch tables.


You must know me.

I’m the one who stabs you in the back, face, stomach

And mind.


You must know me.

And if you know me,

You better stay away.