The end of school inaugurates my quest:
To voyage home while sunlight greets the west.
But several demons first must I appease
And these such rogues my patience always tease.
The first of foes: oh dreaded light, the boss
Of cars and bikes and all who wish to cross.
He flickers white as I approach his lair,
But swaps in red before I make it there.
Oh dev’lish fiend, that scarlet hand so bright!
He holds me fast and laughs upon my plight.
But even if his color he allay,
His kin (count three!) next waste away my day.
With hours passed I make it to their end,
But oh! New dangers next must I contend.
I speed along, my pace a frantic rush
The day is chilling - will I catch the bus?
But never was a dame more full of spite
Than she, the bus who saw and took her flight
From me, a haggard trav’ler, weather-worn
Just seconds brief ‘fore I had reached her doors.
Oh wicked night creeps in across the east
His biting wind from me my heat has fleeced
And how I wish to travel home in peace!
But one more hour I’ll have to wait at least.