Call It Electronegativity - Sammy Wong

Well, I guess it is ok.

Alone for the night again

There seems to be a pattern of sorts,

And I am stuck in a game of pretend.


Call it electronegativity

Like fluorine, I pull myself in

And am loath to give away

Pieces of myself. I'll wear too thin.


It’s proximity that attracts

No control of who is nearby

But my innate positivity

Will capture hearts with pride.


But when they're in my possession,

Control I have not,

My neutrality a vice that lessens

My will to hold them taut.


So their hearts suspended,

Circling my outer shell,

As far away as possible,

But close under my spell.


Drawn tight enough to fill my need,

But still unsatisfied,

My strong electronegativity

Repels true love inside.